Parenting Today

Parenting today has changed immensely from the parenting of yesteryear. Gone are the days of strict punishment and rigid routines. Today, parents are embracing an increasingly mindful approach to parenting, focusing on positive reinforcement and open communication. It also involves being mindful of the community and culture, setting expectations on how to interact with others in a positive way, and actively teaching children to be kind and compassionate to everyone they meet. It is a complex task in a world full of rapidly changing technology, social media, and cultural norms. Raising children today is more than just providing for their basic needs; the expectations of parents have risen drastically over the last few decades. Now, parents must not only provide for their children financially but also be actively involved in their development and education.

Additionally, parents are now expected to be tech-savvy, be aware of their child's online activity, and provide guidance for the growing number of potential threats that exist on the internet.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting, and every family will face different challenges along the way. You don’t have to face the challenges alone. We at absolute parenting are there to support you.